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How to Keep Your Jewelry from Tarnishing

How to Keep Your Jewelry from Tarnishing

Ever wonder what the best way to store your jewelry so it doesn't tarnish? Well I got you. Let's keep it real, all jewelry gold or silver plated will tarnish over time but you can delay that process significantly by following these simple and easy rules to keep your prized pieces sparkling for years to come.

1. Keep it dry.

Jewelry that comes in contact with moisture and liquids will cause your jewelry to tarnish quickly including coming in contact with lotions, perfumes, or even prolonged exposure to sweating. If they do get wet by accident simply wipe them off with a dry cloth and store them away in the box they came in or in your jewelry box.

2. Proper Storage.

Ideally your jewelry should be stored in the box it came in or in your jewelry box (we have some great ones on the site!). This is the best way to keep it dry, dust free and away from moisture and spritz and sprays (perfumes, humidifiers, room spritz's etc) that will lead to tarnishing. 

3. Switch up the pieces you wear so you give them a break

I know we all have that one piece that is our favorite but its good to switch up the pieces you wear so you get the longest wear out of all of them.

If you treat your jewelry with love and care it will last for a long time.

Till next time Dolls!



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