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Gentleman's Lounge: Style vs Fashion: Do you have Style?

Gentleman's Lounge: Style vs Fashion: Do you have Style?

Tip Tuesday

How Stylish are you? Is it the same as being fashionable? How can you tell the difference? Well if you've ever struggled with knowing the difference or not sure which is which, this two minute post is for you.

Tips on how to be a Stylish Man

First things first. Fashion is what you buy and style is how you wear it. Now does that mean buying expensive things automatically means your  stylish? No. Style is how you wear your fashion. When you understand the rules of how things fit together you can buy any kind of fashion (suit, dress, tie etc) and put it together in a way that is very stylish. But don't fret if you don't know the difference just yet. Evolving into a stylish man or woman takes time and practice. It takes time to learn the rules and then how to adapt them to your body, your tastes and your interests. Some basic tips for knowing the rules are to dress for the occasion. That's it. Don't wear a suit to a casual occasion such as a BBQ but do wear dress pants and a nice shirt to an event that requires you to dress up a bit more like a baby shower. Things like that. Knowing the rules will help you to develop your style as you figure out what works for you.

Rule of thumb to keep in mind is Fashion is what you pay for but Style is how you wear it. Don't be afraid to experiment with different pieces to figure out what works best for you while you evolve your personal Style. Then once you find it, wear it with confidence. That's what will add that extra IT Factor and give you "swag" with your look.


Until next time!

Spencer Chase Collection


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